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Comberton Village College strongly believes in the principle that all pupils should have the opportunity to experience a minimum of one domestic trip and one international trip as part of their education at CVC, regardless of their financial background. Because of this, the Exceptional Funding Support for domestic trips and International Bursary Funds have been established with the aim of providing financial assistance.

Both bursaries require families be able to provide evidence of a clear financial need. Clear financial need might include at least one of the following bullet points below:

  • Be a young person in care
  • Be a disabled young person in receipt of Disability Living Allowance.
  • Be eligible for Free School Meals
  • Be from a household whose income is below £25000 per annum
  • Have been affected by a sudden exceptional change in financial circumstances

The Exceptional Funding Support fund can be claimed once per pupil within the academic year 2024-2025 and on one other future occasion and has a maximum value of £200 towards domestic (UK) trips only.

The International Bursary fund can only be claimed if a pupil has not been on an international trip through the school before and has a maximum value of £400.

For more information, please see the forms for the relevant bursary. The forms are available as online forms (see links below), or they can be downloaded via the green links.

EFS form

International form

For any further information, please contact Mr Carrick on

Updated March 2024