The College operates a cashless catering system. Each pupil is issued with their own unique account card. When the card is placed on a card reader at the 'till' a display shows the pupil's name, tutor group and account balance. The selected food items are entered by the catering assistant and the amount spent and new balance is displayed. As a guide, a pupil having school lunches will spend an average £12.00 to £15.00 per week from their card.
Money can be credited to a cashless catering account by two methods:
This is the school's preferred method of payment. Parents can now credit individual cashless catering cards online 24/7 using their credit/debit cards via a company called ParentPay. Payments are transferred straight into the school's bank account. Full username/password access details are given to parents and there are information pages available on this website. Select 'For Parents'and “Parent Login” ParentPay - Leading Cashless Payment System for Schools. When you make an online payment it takes approximately 10 minutes before the credit becomes available on a cashless catering card for use in school.
We accept cash in the Finance Office during Break and Lunch every day. Cash receipts update the Catering Balance immediately.
If a card is lost or damaged, no money is lost. The Finance Office should be notified and a new card will be printed. The new card is ready for use immediately. Due to the high cost of the cards the first card is issued free but a £2.00 charge will automatically be deducted from the cashless catering balance for a replacement.
It has never been easier to apply for free school meals. Click here to link to the Cambridge County Council website for clear guidance on how to apply on line. The application form is easy to complete, but we can help you with this at school if would like further assistance.
Pupils who receive free school meals have £3.28 placed on their Cashless Catering cards at the start of every school day. This can be spent at break or lunchtime in the buttery or canteen. The pupil cannot be identified as receiving free school meals when they use their card so the process is completely private.
When you register your children for Free School Meals, the College will receive a sum of money from the government for each child. This is called the Pupil Premium and is used to help fund a range of educational benefits for pupils across the school which may include assistance with paying for extra-curricular activities, school trips and music lessons. Please click here for the latest figures for PP.
Please contact Mrs Collins in confidence, on 01223 262503 with any queries regarding Free School Meals or Pupils Premium.