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Year 7 2023-24

Welcome to Year 7 at Comberton Village College.

Not only do we provide strong academic challenge through the variety of disciplines we teach, we also aim to develop our students into caring, confident and capable members of society and members of our community. We want our students to have rich and enjoyable experiences at school and our curriculum is central to this (see our Year 7 curriculum booklet to the left of this page).

Year Pastoral team TG Room Tutor Attached staff
Year 7   C Sc10 Tim Benger Jason Mannion (Mon, Wed)
DP Regina Lawrence O Sc11 David McNicol Mark Dawes (Wed, Thur)
AP Jane Clarke/Katie Slusar Fletcher M Sc13 Rebecca Kingston Charlotte Gilhooly (Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri)
    B Sc1 William Vousden (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs), Ellie Baker Gray Morag Gillings (Wed, Fri)
HoY R Phull I Sc7 Ben Cook Eleanor Norman (Mon, Tues, Thur)
AHoY Rebecca Kirkby E Sc12 Laura Armorgie Nick Wong (Tues, Thur)
A2HoY Eva Wojtovicz-Moj R Sc5 Tristan Bloska  
    T Sc2 Isabel Lloyd  
Active form:  TBC N Sc3 Jessica Landy  
Assembly: Monday V


Lily Miles